Friday, January 29, 2010

.... of Tanjung Dawai

This is the sleepy hollow of Tanjung Dawai town. Two rows of tired and worn out shop houses.

This seems to be the only modern complex here and it houses many stalls selling almost the same things : dried marine produces, clothings, cheap plastic toys and food.

( There are many shops and stalls selling dried marine produces, and, of course, salt fish is one of the most popular one. Better half bought a piece of "Ikan Talang" to cook salt fish curry. Y S knows salt fish is not health food and some claim to be related to nose cancer and what nots. But it is not Y S' staple so what is the big fuss. It is also once in a really blue moon. Come to think about it, salt fish was my mum's favourite and it was almost her staple. She lived to 92 !!! Passed over peacefully for old age. )

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One of the many things in Yours Sincerely 's ( Y S's ) "Bucket List" is to see places from near and far. Sometimes it is not the far places that escape us but the near places. We plan and book up months ahead for the far away places and pay through our noses but for the near places we tend to procrastinate because these places can be done anytime. Time flies and suddenly you have retired and you haven't been seen all of your neighbourhood. Btw anytime also means that time has to be set or prioritized for them, or else they just slip away or you might have expired while waiting to do it. "Some people wait so long for their ships to come in, their pier collapses " John Goddard. Y S learned from experience that if there was something lacking, it might turn up if Y S went for it, saved up for it, worked for it, but never if just waited for it.

Y S always wanted to take a peep at Kedah coastal towns ever since the days when the children were younger but, as you know, Penang always won the day when a choice is to be made for a family outing.

This island is visible from the jetty at Tanjung Dawai. Further in the horizon is Pantai Merdeka.

This is the fisher folks' jetty. It is livelier during weekends and people come a hunting for marine produces.

Part of the beach is protected from erosion with huge boulders. The beach is cleaner than Kuala kedah. At least, the sand on the beach is visible and not mud, mud and mud as in the latter.

More dried marine produces for you to buy.

So long as the location is not yet visited, it will interest Y S to check it out. Live before you expire.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

...... Gunung Jerai

Yours Sincerely's ( Y S ) better half lamented that we had seen the sun rise over the Sahara and set over the Andaman Seai. We were on the peak of Snow Mountain in China and Mt. Titilis in Switzerland. But we have never been atop Gunung Jerai after living in Alor Star for 40 years! So, we hit for Gunung Jerai one fine day in the X-Trial which is a 4-wheel drive and built for the job - climbing.

This is part of the road up. Y S would say that the road is manageable except for some cork screw and hair-pin corners, and a few one carriage stretches. Be on the watch-out for on-coming traffic and horn at blind corners.

This is one of the chalets managed by The Regency. The destination is not only remote and isolated but also very, very low on occupancy. So, you can have the whole resort to yourself. But, make sure that you know how to use your time or else you will be driven C R A Z Y ! Time seems to stand still here. It is nevertheless a perrfect hideout for writers and poets seeking inspiration . and of course, honeymooners. LOL

Of course, be prepared to meet your "cousins" on the way up. There are many colonies of these dusty monkeys which can be quite intimidating if your car windows are down.

Y S had the opportunity to meet a local enterprising Chinese agriculturist who ventures into organic farming and "Shitake" mushrooms culture. He offered to take us on a tour of his farm.

Y S was at 1200 meter above Alor Star, at Kedah Peak or Gunung Jerai - quiet , serene and picturesque.

This is Puncak kedah Restaurant, ready to serve two guests - Y S and better half. We had the whole restaurant to ourselves.

Better half had her favourite "Roti Jala" and chicken curry.

"Teh Tarik" for two. Somehow it tastes better at 1200 metres. How romantic !

Some of the poplars up on the peak.

This is the rewarding scenery that greets you.

Y S was amazed by this perfect tree.

Don't be surprised. This "Cuttle fish and Kangkong" , of course, is not available at Gunung Jerai but Y S made a small detour on the way down to the small town of Gurun. It is better half's favourite. The one sold here gives you more pieces of cuttle fish, a generous sprinkling of sesame seeds and thick gravy that never fails to titillate your taste buds. All for RM6.00

This is the shop that sells the "Cuttlefish fish with kangkong" and if we have time, we usuallyl order a good helping of boiled cockles. Better half craves for this specialty like a pregnant woman does and Y S has to detour to this shop on most trips to or fro Penang !

Take that detour in life and see life.

Monday, January 25, 2010

.... of baking

Yours Sincerely ( Y s ) trespasses into his better half's domain and bakes his first cake at 57 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the miracle flour for baking. It cuts down the whole baking process to a few simple steps. So, if you young men ever ask your potential wife whether she knows how to cook or bake, do be careful :-

Boy : do you know how to cook?

Girl : Yes, I do cook. ( Maggie, Chintan, Indo, Mamee etc etc etc instant noodles ....)

Better half said that ingredients have to be weighed like gold. We, men, are so used to estimating. The weighing of this and that is so meticulous !

This 20 plus year old micro-wave oven was so shocked at Y S' effort that it suddenly gave up on him. So, Y S had to use another type of utensil where some water had to be put at the base.

This is the fruit of Y S' labour. (Btw, the taste is better than the look. LOL ) It was quite interesting and the final product made you ooze with satisfaction. The satisfaction is doubled when the better half commented, " Not bad." (Btw being stingy with praises and having a high expectation, Y S is used with her " not bad" which incidentally means good. ) Y S may try another recipe.

There are so many NEW things to do in your retirement. Y S has not yet tried cooking. He means going beyond frying eggs and rice to cooking up a signature dish... o la la.....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

..... of tongues

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) has always been impressed by people with eloquence. People who can think aloud on their feet. In the old days of the Overhead Projector, Y S observed that many ill prepared and not so eloquent or not knowledgeable lecturers loved to flash and recite from transparency to transparency. The poor students, well, they copied and copied, racing for time before the next transparency was flashed.

Things have not changed much. In the days of PPSMI ( When the teaching of Science and Mathematics was done in the English Language in Malaysia) teachers with lower or no competency in the English Language clicked from slide to slide on the Power Point, and read and read on the LCD. Again the poor pupils copied and copied. ( No wonder our schools produce so many copycats. LOL) Remove all these modern high tech equipment, these lecturers and teachers may not be able to utter a coherent paragraph.

Talking and eloquence are not the same thing: to speak, and to speak well, are two things. A fool may talk, but the wise man speaks.

Some speak far too much that they need such introduction when called to speak, " Our speaker needs no introduction, just an early conclusion." Some lack in depth, so they give you in length.
Some keeps repeating like an old worn out VCD.

A good speech is like a mini skirt: short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover the essentials.

The best rule for talking is the one carpenters use: measure twice, saw once.

Y S has observed some good meaning friends who simply talk too much, take causative swipes at everything, throwing in idiotic wit on everything they say, and all the time assuming that they have an audience to entertain, and finally get themselves into unnecessary trouble. Those who talk too much usually do not have the patience to listen at all and for not listening, they could even be repeating what you have just said, or worst still, if they ever agree with you, they somehow still have to paraphrase what you say . LOL

Wise men talk when they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." Plato. As we all know, mere talking is cheap because the supply has already exceeded the demand.

The tongue being in a wet place is prone to slip and get its owner into tight places. Weighing so little and yet few people can hold their tongues. And the worst of all men is he whose tongue is mightier than his mind. Some cannot help having dentures ( false teeth), but everyone can have a true tongue. So, those who put his tongue in motion should be sure his brain is in gear.

" Nature has given to men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak." Epictetus. This is the advice Y S kept giving to his students in school. Blessed are those who listen, for they shall learn.

Friday, January 22, 2010

.... of changes and ageing

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) cannot help noticing ageing streaks on his physical self. Like Snow White's step mother, take a hard look into the mirror and you wonder when the ageing spots start to stain your face; when the extra wrinkles start to inundate your skin; how weathering starts to rob your youthful skin off its glow; how abrasion lowers your gum; and harsh reality dawns on your that you need to redye your hair.

When the streaks of grey first appeared on Y S' crown years ago, the children were the first to notice and they were so gleefully happy to pluck them off for you. Y S used to comment, " Oh, they have arrived and I've waited 40 years for them! " Now , when your whole crown has turned grey, you only hope hard that the price of dye does not rise like other things.

Another sure sign of ageing is When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look. It only means you are getting over the hill. And getting over the hill, you begin to pick up speed if you don't brace your self. Old age is the most unexpected of things that can happen to a man and the seven decades of man include Spills, Drills; Thrills; Bills; Ills, Pills and Wills.

However, some may say that old age is like climbing a mountain. The higher you get, the more tired and breathless you become. But your view becomes much more extensive. The senior years are the most blessed of all with mortgages paid, children raised and career accomplished.

There is nothing permanent except change. Life belongs to the living and he who lives must be prepared for changes. While the physical self cannot remain youthful eternally, the spiritual self is able to do so. Y S has seen people ageing gracefully and remained loveable until their last breath.

These are those who seize the day and live. Those who keep themselves useful and thus keep youthful. Those who go on seeking. Those who do not quit "playing." Those who have a smile on their faces and laughter in their hearts. Those who build bridges and not walls.Those who can love and lose. They do live that their physical self may age but their spirit and determination always soar. These people so live that when they die even the undertaker will be sorry.

"where, O death, is your victory? Where, O Death is your sting? " Paul of Tarsus, 1st Corinthians.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The inter-monsoon months of January to March and April is very dry and windy in Alor Star. This is the time nature repairs itself after months of incessant rain. Yours Sincerely's (Y S ') little plot of land around the house has been rejuvenated. It has renewed itself and turned green and colorful. The lawn matures and the plants start to flower, and this is a delight to the eyes.

It is sad that human life does not follow this order. We do not rejuvenate but deteriorate. Some faster than others. It is said that there are four stages of of humankind: infancy, childhood, adolescence and obsolescence !

Although many aged people get their " second childhood," it comes with mental infirmity as a consequence of old age. Leo Rosenburg says, " First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, and then you forget to pull your zipper down." Many say that the aged are wise, but let us face fact squarely, Y S always maintains that " Grey hair is the sign of old age, not of wisdom." Growing old is mandatory; growing wiser is not.

It's a paradox that the ideas of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the ideas of growing old doesn't appeal to anyone. One just cannot live long without growing old!

" Tell me not, in mounrful numbers, life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem. Life is real ! Life is earnest ! and the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art; to dust returnest, was not spoken of the soul. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Before the skin wrinkles, before the knees ache, before the eyes blurr, before the heart enjoy life. It is God's gift. There's plenty of time to be dead. The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon but we we wait so long to begin it.

Remember that the only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn't take.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Only in Malaysia

Yours Sincerely ( y S ) was amused by this unusual sign board found at the public park of Gua Kelam, Kaki Bukit, Perlis. Among the banned activities at the park are littering, cycling, campfire, football and kissing. The park is closed after 6.30 pm and Y S wonders how much can the poor lovers do in the broad day light and under the ogling eyes of other visitors.

No wonder cheap, rent-by-the-hour, sleazy hotels are doing very well these days. Their clients are usually the "Mat Rempits." ( A term for young Malaysian dare-devil lower powered but noisy motorcyclists. )

"Macam-macam ada"

Monday, January 4, 2010

More about Klong Hae

Klong Hae is about 10 minutes away from Songkla, the southern Thai City, north of Alor Star. It is accessible by the Hadyai highway or through the maze of this crowded city's roads.
Besides the boat-cum-stalls which line the river, there are rows and rows of thatched hut that house more stalls selling a myriad of Thai delicacies and handicrafts.

This is Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) enjoying a giant piece of cracker. Observe the peddlars on boats.

This is a hot and delicious Thai snack. By the way, the fired prawns that went along with it had already been eaten !!! Everything is RM 2.00 here. It is like a gigantic "Food fair." However, your stomach has to be quite strong to with stand the food.

This is a vendor who sells drinks. See the cute earthen mugs. They come with the drink at RM2.00. They can double up as your flower pots, pencil holders or coffee mugs.

There are long tables and stools for visitors to sit and eat. By the way, forget about the air-conditioner and ambiance. Do bring some wet hand towels to wipe your hands.

The vendors are colourfully dressed in their best. They look neat and tidy. The snacks, typical of the Thais, are equally very colourful. Bon appetite !

So, one down for Y S on the Ist of January 2010.

Live with zest. Explore your surroundings.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 comes already

2010 is here already. How time flies!!! It is already about 2 years down the road of retirement. Looking back, Your Sincerely ( Y S ) sees many wishes came true and many more waiting to be fulfilled. Ending of a year is also a good time for auditing and stock taking. How has the year passed? Anything achieved ? Anything missed? Any resolutions unfulfilled? Well, Y S has the Good Lord to thank for allowing yet another year in his life. Into two millenniums and ten years ........

The first visit for Y S in 2010 is Klong Hae, Hadyai, Thailand. Y S was there with his family and friends on the 1st of January 2010. It is a river converted into a food market where you can buy Thai delicacies from dressed up vendors, and everything is priced at 20 Bath which is about RM2.00. Cute and interesting place and people.

2009 - Y S climbed the Great Wall of China, and this is the souvenir bought from Badaling stretch of the Great Wall.

2009 - Y S visited Bali, a paradise island or the Australian playground.

2009 - Y S learnt to cook. This is a survival skill in case the better half returns to the Lord before him.

2009 - Y S was close to nature. Y S took grand nephew and niece for a picnic at Gua kelam, Kaki Bukit, Perlis.

2009 - Y S attended two weddings, one of a niece and another one of a grand nephew.

2009 - Y S read a good number of books. This is what Mao Tse-Tung has to say about books : " We shouldn't read too many books ...It will be enough to read a dozen or so. If we read too many, we can move towards our opposite, become bookworms, dogmatists, revisionists." LOL

2009 - Y S stood on a promotory at Uluwatu, Bali which overlooks Australia.

2009 - Y S and better half visited daughter's father-in-law more times and had many dinners together. The Lims enjoy good food and wine.

2009- Son-in-law visited Y S before leaving for New Zealand.

2009 - Beloved daughter came visiting from Kiwi Land.

2009 - Y S helped to organise a Swimming Gala for the Royal Kedah Club.

2009 - Y S stood at Tiananmen Square and took this photo. A wish realised.

2009 - Y S got closer with nature and took time to appreciate God's handwork.

2009 - Y S went for his father's Cheng Beng with his better half. It was her first time.

2009 - Y S seriously resolved to maintaine his physical self.

2009 - Y S grieved over the loss of his pet dog. "We are but tenants and ..... shortly the great Land Lord will give us notice that our lease has expired." Joseph Jefferson.

2009 - Y S got to know the new Assistant Priest, Rev Michael Dass, better and better.

2009 - Y S learnt not to " drive faster than his guardian angel can fly."

2009 - Y S visited the amazing Bird Nests' Olympic Stadium in Beijing.

2009 - Y S took a nostalgic walk down his old Teachers' Trainign College, Maktab Perguruan Temenggung Ibrahim, Larkin, Johore Bahru.

2009 - Y S climbed and stood on the Great Wall of China. Another wish realised.

2009 - Y S put his footprints on the snow in Beijing 's chilling winter.

2009 - Y S ate Beijing Duck in China itself.

2009 - Y S watched 35 movies, and the last one was " Apocalypse 2012"
2009 - Y S ate his favourite " Chim Kooi" ( Crab Cake ) with courtesy of his sister-in-law, Bor Been, who labouriously made and transported them to Alor Star.

2009 - Y S presented himself with a new golf set - a Cobra II and is seriously into golf. Not all new things are fine, Y S still loves his old set presented by his son-in-law, especially the number 7 iron.

2009 - Y S successfully convened the Church of St Michael's Parish Assembly and animated 100 parishioners during the assembly. Y S has also helped to map out the Parish Pastoral Plan eor 2010.

2009 - Y S managed to sell off his 11- year-old Honda Civic and got this MyV - cool for town use.

2009 - Y S was into dart. Getting ready to participate in the next tournament at Royal kedah Club.

2009 - Y S made time to get to know the Creator better and be at peace with him. He is all you have after you leave this sojourn on earth. So, get to know Him better.

2009 -- Y s organised his workshop. Now the screw drivers, drill bits, hammer etc etc are easily found.

2009 - Y S tried harder to live with his better half more meaningfully. When the nest is empty, you find the old couple shocked by how time has flown. As all married people know, even though marriages are made in heaven, the maintenance work has to be done here on earth !

Many other achievements in 2009 but many more to achieve in 2010. So, bring on 2010..... O hoy..............full steam ahead.