There are people who believe in numbers and think that certain numbers are good for luck, wealth, health etc etc etc. Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) has friends who would pay thousands of ringgit for sets of numbers for their vehicles, of course, the favorite of all favourites is " 8 8 8 8 " which in Cantonese sounds like " wealth, wealth , wealth." There are also those who go for and are willing to pay hefty sums for single digit or double digits number for their vehicles. A friend with a double digit black and heavily tinted SUV claimed that his vehicle gets lots of respect from road blocks and sped traps. While we are talking about numbers, there are punters who would go for a certain sets of numbers draw after draw, and end up poorer and poorer.
Today, the 11th day of the 11 month of November of the year 2011, or
11-11-11, seems to be auspicious for many wedding couples. Y S observed many bridal cars zooming here and there in town, and there is also one wedding a few doors away from Y S' house.
Y S overheard that some very pregnant mothers are also planning Caesarian or birth induction today so that the babies can have a memorable birth date : 11-11-11.
Many more move into their new homes. So many activities go on today in the good hope of the blessings or luck the numbers, 11 -11-11 bring.
Y S remembers the same happened on 8-8-88 years ago. And that the year 1988 which also happened to be the Chinese Dragon Lunar year, had a baby boom, that includes Y S' younger daughter but that was a flute shot and nothing planned.
To couples getting married today, marriages are made in heaven and so are thunders and lightnings, and the maintainance work is done right here, on earth !!! It has nothing to do with the numbers but the continuous hard work and effort of the couples.