Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Yours sincerely as been faithfully taking his blood pressure every day since the day the meter was bought. The readings have been faithfully recorded; the Systolic, the Diastolic and the pulse rate. The readings have been maintained at the average of 130 mmHg / 70 mmHg all these years. They have been labouriously maintained with lots of swimming, cycling and brisk walking, occasional tennis and a tiny bit of golf (Driving range only. No time to walk all over the green and hit a small ball into a small hole!) and above all, a diet free of salt (Besides those I have no control over).

Of late, a friend convinced me that "control or no control, the difference is only two hours" and that how careful you are you cannot get out of life alive!
I still take my blood pressure religiously and also occasionally check my blood sugar. I don't intend to live up to a 100 for life is only 3 scores and 10 (so says the Holy Book) and the rest is bonus. BBut I want to keep the "temple of the Holy Spirit" in the best form and shape as much as I can for I believe that a perfect one is given to each and everyone of us. Whatever sizes and shapes, apple or pear. Take good care of it. There are no spare parts. And only a few parts are recycleable. Anyway, the queue is too long, and you may expire while waiting for one or you may not get a compatible anyway.
This, for goodness sake, is not my waist but an example of an oversized one. Guiding point : If you cannot see your feet properly, then it is too big. Mine? Oh! I maintain it at 36 inches so that I can still dance the "Fox trot" with the better half and not get obstructed by the mid-riff. The height is stilll 1.8 metres and weight is 85Kg. Cigarrettes ? I always told my pupils in school, they are "Satans' fart." (imagine inhaling it, eeeee ) Keep your breath original. Keep it yours. So, that the kiss you give to your beloved is yours, solely yours and not "Camel"s," "Dung hill's " oops...."DunHill" or "Peter Something's ?" Once you have given in to "Camel" or DunHill", it is irreversible. YOU CAN NEVER GIVE HER YOUR KISS.

And as for Liquor? They are "Satan's urine." in bottles or cans.

Life is great when health is good. Maintain it as much as you can till the day you are called home. I wonder whether we present our body in the spirit, soul or physically. Anyway, in whatever form, present a prefect one before Him. Preachy, eh?

Carpe deim...live on. Life is for the living.

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