Today Yours Sincerely ( y s ) lost a close friend. A friend who was always there for you. A friend who was delighted by your mere presence. A friend who was always happy to see you even though you have just left him for a few hours. A friend who stood guard for you when you sleep. A friend who never allowed trespassers into your property. A friend who never complained of whatever food you offered him. A friend who was sincere and true. A friend who never made a demand on you. A friend who stuck by you through thick or thin. Dedicated to Pinchy (2002 - 2009)
Minutes before Pinchy breathed his last. "Life's brief Candle" and that goes for dogs, too. Y S' seven-year old dog, a pinscher, called "Pinchy" ( So named to remember his breed) was ( Y S hates to use the past tense on living things) a happy, yappy, jumpy and very alert dog. Very small in size but he barked like any big dogs. If you didn't see him, his barks might send jitters down your spine. The funny thing about this pinscher was that he did not know that he was small. Y S' Golden Retriever, "Shaggy," many times his size, would cow before "Pinchy." He was the alpha dog among the other dogs.
The date : 16-09-09The time :-
4.30 pm : Y S was trimming the lawn and "Pinchy" was as his usual self, busying sniffing out the compound.
5.00 pm : Pinchy sniffed something inside a hollow cement column which was stacked among other pieces of timber. He kept barking and trying to get at the intruder.
5.10 pm : Y S used a stick to poke through the hollow. Something moved out of the hollow and hid among the timber. Pinchy kept barking at the timber. Kuang-Kuang, Y s ' godson, spotted the snake and thought that it was a small one. He only saw the tail.
5.15 pm : Y S came with a longer stick to check out the snake. Y S flicked over the heavy timber and an adult black Cobra slithered away. Pinchy was agitated. He kept barking, chasing after the snake and trying to get at it. Before Y S could hit the snake, Pinchy bit its body. In a flash it turned and bit Pinchy. Instantaneously Y S struck at the snake. With a few more blows, it lay lifeless.
5.20 pm : Pinchy staggered to his cage. He seemed quiet, dazed and his body was quivering. We checked his body for fang's marks but there was none.
5.25 pm : Pinchy started to convulse. He vomited and excreted. He got up and walked about. Then he fell and started to pant. We tried to call a friend with experience rearing dogs.
5.30 pm : Pinchy panted and he seemed to have a stroke. Then he salivated uncontrollably and urinated. He convulsed again, quivered and he just passed over right in front of us.
Y S has never seen an animal dying, not to mention his beloved dog. It was heart wrenching.
Pinchy was too small to take the poison of the Cobra. We were of no help to him.(Shameful)
I wonder
whether dogs are reincarnated. If they do, I pray that he be reincarnated into a human in his next life.
I wonder
if good dogs go to heaven....................... Dedicated to Pinchy
Do dogs go to heaven?
My little bully passed away, no more to breathe a sound.
I held him for the last time, then entombed him in the ground.
Day and night I wept so much, in tears I thought I'd drown.
I searched my soul for comfort, but no peace therein was found.
In great despair, I hit my knees and then began to pray.
"Father will I ever see, my dog again someday?"
I raised my eyes and saw an angel standing near a gate.
I sensed an inner peace I'd never felt before that day.
The angel smiled and said to me, "Oh man of little faith!
God sees every bird that falls; He knows your bully's fate.
I have met your little dog, I saw him pass my way.
Your precious dog is still alive; he just walked through this gate.
Paradise is lovelier than you can comprehend.
No pain or grief, no tears or fears, and life will have no end.
God gave to man His only Son, to cover all his sins.
So why would God withhold from you, your pure and loving friend?”
The angel took me by the hand and said, "Now come with me.
A glimpse of paradise I'll give, to you so you can see."
Through the gate and o'er the Rainbow Bridge we did proceed.
Through green valleys filled with flowers, rolling hills and trees.
“Wow, so this is paradise!” The place was filled with joy.
I saw my bully playing there, with dogs and cats and toys.
He also had some doggie treats, and food that he enjoyed.
He'd made a lot of new friends there, including girls and boys.
Then I saw a child come near, and hug my little mate.
She said to him, "I love you so," and kissed him on the face.
The angel said, "The child just crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.
Now she needs a little friend, to love and help her play.
God’s love for her would be enough, in that make no mistake.
But in His love, He knew full well, the child would want a mate.
This is why God called your dog unto this splendid place.
God’s entrusted her with him, ‘til you pass through the gate."
I pleaded, “May I hug them both?!” The angel answered, “No!
You’d violate a sacred site, and now it’s time to go.”
He led me back across the Bridge and through the gate to home.
He left me there with new-found hope and peace within my soul.
If someone ever asks what happens to a dog that dies,
Just give a gentle smile of joy and look them in the eye.
Take their hand and comfort them and tell them not to cry.
For dogs don’t die, they simply cross a bridge to paradise.
Dan Atcheson
Pinchy was put to rest at his favourite spot in Y S' backyard so that he can be always remembered fondly.
Life's brief candle.