Thursday, September 17, 2009

..... of shaping the ageing body

A new attraction at the RKC (Royal Kedah Club) is the new gymnasium with brand new equipment to build stamina and tone up muscles. Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) and his better half have been faithfully wearing out the equipment since the opening of the gymnasium. Going there in the morning, we have the whole place to ourselves. However, of late, more enthusiasts are coming. Anyway, in a gymn two is lonesome and more than that is a carnival.
This is Amzari, the friendly attendant, who is always at hand to give a tip or two. Y S feels that such tips are important for you might be exercising in the reverse. LOL

The human body is a marvelous machine. It is never too old to be toned and shaped up, or at the very least, prevent it from sagging and hanging ugily.

This is excellent for building your biceps. Y S hopes he can still get his hands through the sleeves of his shirts after this. LOL
This can strengthen your chest.

An hour through these machines and also the tread mill is enough to soak yourself in your sweat.
Your mood changes positively. Your breathing is deeper. Your eyes keener. Your ears sharper. Your mind clearer. I only wish I adopted his lifestyle earlier in my life. Is it too late now???


penny said...

Wonderful post, we do need to exercise more as we age.

Thomas C B Chua said...

You took the words out of my mouth, Pam. Let's live on.

AJ7 said...

I tried it out yesterday... yup, it's nice. Will probably be going there more often if I can squeeze in between the swims and squash.. 8)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We had the same equipment at the NTU staff gym. We don't have it here, and my husband keeps reminding me to exercise. The weather turned cold and rain the whole day. How to go walking?