Monday, November 23, 2009

........ more photos on China Tour

This is the structures that always amazes Y S when he studied Chinese History.

Better half and Y S were fleeced and cheated at another longest street food hawkers.

This is the site of Wang Fu Jing's village well but the place now has been developed into a high end shopping district. From the neon lights and sophisticated brands advertised you just cannot believe that it is a communist country. The modern Chinese have cultivated the bourgeoisie's tastes and preferences. Who said that the Chinese wore blue cheap cotton clothes and rode on bicycles? Visit Wang Fu Jing.
One of Y S' meals was at the famous Peking Duck Restaurant claimed to be visited by world's dignitaries.

Wonder what was this for? They are found all over the ancient palaces and temples. Not for bathing. It was for storing water for fire fighting in the good old days.

Better half posing with a Manchu greeter.

This is another site Y S longed to visit. The Tian An Men Square. Awesome.

This is a walking mall at TianJin.

This was taken in front of the Blue Zoo - Beijing's aquatic exhibits.

Very coooooooooooold..........

This is at Puning Temple that houses the wold's biggest Buddha wooden temple. Wonder what these men do? They are the temple musicians. For a hefty donations, they will play their instruments to some holy music while the donor kneels and prays.

Better half infront of the Mongolians' yurts which are like chalets for rental.

Only in China you see such signage.

This lady is amazed by a half frozen car.

A visit to China is incomplete without visiting the panda bears.


A Colorful World said...

What a great blog, and I love this post! I feel like I am visiting China with you and your wife! I love your Profile's funny how BUSY one can be when you become "retired" :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on "He Bakes!" HE also made an applesauce cake for Thanksgiving...I sure am counting my blessings! :-)

Thomas C B Chua said...

The Tile Lady, tks 4 reading my blog. I like yours, 2. U from one corner of the world and me from another corner, and we meet at the "net." Glorious modern invention.

U and hubby should make a trip to China and see the wonders of the world.

Let's live on. Life is GOOD and is for the living. I always tell my friends that there is plenty of time to be dead. B4 that, let's celebrate life. God bless.