Friday, January 22, 2010

.... of changes and ageing

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) cannot help noticing ageing streaks on his physical self. Like Snow White's step mother, take a hard look into the mirror and you wonder when the ageing spots start to stain your face; when the extra wrinkles start to inundate your skin; how weathering starts to rob your youthful skin off its glow; how abrasion lowers your gum; and harsh reality dawns on your that you need to redye your hair.

When the streaks of grey first appeared on Y S' crown years ago, the children were the first to notice and they were so gleefully happy to pluck them off for you. Y S used to comment, " Oh, they have arrived and I've waited 40 years for them! " Now , when your whole crown has turned grey, you only hope hard that the price of dye does not rise like other things.

Another sure sign of ageing is When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look. It only means you are getting over the hill. And getting over the hill, you begin to pick up speed if you don't brace your self. Old age is the most unexpected of things that can happen to a man and the seven decades of man include Spills, Drills; Thrills; Bills; Ills, Pills and Wills.

However, some may say that old age is like climbing a mountain. The higher you get, the more tired and breathless you become. But your view becomes much more extensive. The senior years are the most blessed of all with mortgages paid, children raised and career accomplished.

There is nothing permanent except change. Life belongs to the living and he who lives must be prepared for changes. While the physical self cannot remain youthful eternally, the spiritual self is able to do so. Y S has seen people ageing gracefully and remained loveable until their last breath.

These are those who seize the day and live. Those who keep themselves useful and thus keep youthful. Those who go on seeking. Those who do not quit "playing." Those who have a smile on their faces and laughter in their hearts. Those who build bridges and not walls.Those who can love and lose. They do live that their physical self may age but their spirit and determination always soar. These people so live that when they die even the undertaker will be sorry.

"where, O death, is your victory? Where, O Death is your sting? " Paul of Tarsus, 1st Corinthians.


Anonymous said...

when death smile to tou ,the best solution is smile back.


Anonymous said...

when death smile to tou ,the best solution is smile back.


Anonymous said...

when death smile to tou ,the best solution is smile back.


Thomas C B Chua said...

Lor, well said.

footiam said...

Death stings,Life stings too; it's just how you look at it.