Sunday, April 25, 2010

....... of sleep, sleeping and pillows

The bed is a bundle of paradoxes: we go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret. Anyway, if people were meant to pop out of bed, they should sleep in toasters ! Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) had been waking up with the sound of the alarm clock for the past thirty over years. Retirement also retired off my alarm clock !

They say that there are two types of people in this world; the good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more. And yet we spend a third of our lives is passed in sleep.

" oh sleep ! It is a gentle thing. Beloved from pole to pole"

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

As Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) gets on in age, there is this feeling of sleeping when you are not in bed, and you cannot get to sleep when you are in bed. This is the meanest feeling in the world. And fancy that you feel sleepiest when you are right in front of the television, but the moment you retire to bed, you are wide awake. Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the day time and too sleepy to worry at night. This individual is a blessed sleeper. A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.

" And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning awake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created"
D.H Lawrence

Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking! And remember that all men whilst they are awake are in one common world but each of them when he is asleep is in a world of his own. A good sleep is a great blessing.

Y S was given a special gift of a good night sleep this birthday - a therapeutic and orthopedic pillow. Y S used to hold the old philosophy that it was the mind that made the sleep and not the pillow. So, Y S survived on cheap and uncomfortable pillows that sometimes strained and stiffened his neck. Admittedly, pillows do play a role. They do induce sleep to a certain degree. So, well, if you can have both, the pillow and the peaceful mind, why not ???

No day is so bad that it cannot be fixed with a sleep. There is more refreshment and stimulation in a sleep, however brief, it is than all the alcohol ever distilled.

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