Tuesday, November 9, 2010

..... of floods

Coming home from Krabi Convoy is not holiday this time. IT IS WORK, real HARD WORK. The house was under water a few hours after Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) drove into the porch. Y S and his Better Half only had the time and most of all ENERGY to salvage a few costly and important things. By then, age showed up. You see, we are not young anymore. Many hours of walking in the muddy water disrupts circulation and you get that tinkering sensation like being pricked
with a thousand needles all over your feet. So, Y S told the better Half that "enough is enough."

However, poor Better Half got her ring finger caught under the mammoth fridge ( Don't you people ever buy big, big appliances anymore !!!) when we tried to rest it above some bricks. When adrenaline is rushing in your system, you can do almost everything. You can bet that the fridge could never come down after the flood without help.

By the time water and electricity had been disconnected and the water rising, there was no point staying on. YS secured the house and escaped to Sungai Petani Inn. While resting on a dry and comfortable bed, it dawned on Y S that life is "TOUCH N GO." Anything can come in between. Anything can happen. Anything can rob you of whatever you have, even your life. At least Y S fled in a car, with dry clothes and Credit Cards ! Think of Gunung Merapi victims fleeing with almost nothing, not even knowing whether their children, siblings, relatives, friends and neighbours could make it or not. Y S did not enjoy the hotel buffet breakfast the following day !

Let's count our blessings TWICE !

1 comment:

footiam said...

Over here, sometimes I dread it when it is too hot. Now, I am glad that we don't have too much water.