Thursday, January 13, 2011

... of anger

Do we realize that "anger" is only one letter short of "danger."

This is one element Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) has been trying to tame three quarters of his life. It can surge out like the ferocious hot magma of a volcano and burn kiths and kins, all alike , if not properly contained.

And if you speak at such juncture, you will make the best speech you will ever live to ever regret for anger opens the mouth and shuts the mind. As it is rightly pointed out, an angry person is like a match stick which has a head but it has no brains.

Better Half once told Y S of an ugly scene in our church compound where the self provoked angry parish priest unnecessarily lost his cool over a very petty matter. One of the parishioners over-parked his car. The front wheels slightly rested on the floor of the church foyer. It was a minute matter since the floor is built of stone but the priest, unknowingly, was provoked by his apple polishers. He indulged himself in rudeness, yelling, anger ( These are a weak man's imitation of strength) and finally " ordered the poor parishioners out of the church" !!! The person involved who is a good friend of Y S is still nursing his wounds. So much for "love" and " forgiveness in the church, eh ! An angry person is seldom reasonable and a reasonable person is seldom angry. King Solomon in the Book of Proverbs, says that "a quick tempered man does foolish things." If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size ??? ( Good thinking )

Another pointer from King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes, " Do not quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools." If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow, says a Chinese proverb. Anger can be like a stone thrown into a hornets' nest ! It is one letter short of D A N G E R.

But then, it is also said that holding on to your anger only gives you tense muscles. Blowing up gives relief. There were instances in Y S ' life when he should have lashed out at certain unreasonable and rude people but then he chose to hold his cool rather regretfully and let the culprits get away Scot free, and thinking that they are perfectly correct .

What do you think ?


Grandpa said...

Hahahaha you need imprimatur for such posts!

Thomas C B Chua said...

oops...didn,t expect u 2 read my crabs. Anyway, YS has been thinking a lot lately. I had given the last PP too much face and support to the point that he was exceedingly bloated, and, as you know, given his physique, he has grossly bloated, to the point of bordering arrogance and rudeness. In the last few months of his pastoral management, he worked exclusively with a few self-appointed apple polishing " napoleons" who availed themselves to his whims and fancies, over-riding the PPC. PAT and what-not structure that are actually erected for nothing. I have just dropped out of the DPT and contemplating doing the same for the PAT and PPC. God help me!

footiam said...

If you don't get angry, you don't have nothing to hold on that will gives you tense muscles. And you don't have to seek relief!