Friday, April 29, 2011

They are fixed, nailed and pasted on tree trunks, lamp & electric -posts, road signs and dividers, walls , and sometimes on vehicles all over the town - advertisement on produce, products and services. While Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) has no grouch against such mosquito advertisers since doing business without advertisement is like winking at a girl in the dark, such advertisements can really be an eye sore since when they are indiscriminately displayed. Many a tree has been defaced and sometimes they cover up the road signs and hide away traffic lights.

Of late another type of advertisement widely sprouted all over strategic places in town and promising male potency while guaranteeing satisfaction both to the clients and their "victims." Sexuality has come a long way since the prudent Victorian age.

Y S understands that there is a by-law governing the placing of advertisements in town. They have to be whetted and a substantial fees imposed by the town council. There is also a time frame for the advertisement and hence the owners are responsible for removing them. However, those put by the mosquito advertisers are left to rot with the forces of nature.

It is not hard to impose such ruling if the powers so be is game. Just give a call to the phone number provided on the advertisement and nap the culprits when they appear to collect their spoils. But so far, nothing is done.

It takes all types to make up this world.


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Thomas,

I thought that such mosquito advertisements are only to be seen in Kochi but they are in your places also. Perhaps this is in most countries.There are rules to curb this menace but no one follows this. These advertisement are mostly by small business people and therefore they get away with it. These advertisements are definitely sore eyes in public places.

There is an award waiting for you in my blog. Please come and pick it up.

Best wishes,

Thomas C B Chua said...

Joseph. thanks for noticing. It warms the heart of those who have been noticed. It amazes me how you take deep interest in others. G B U.

footiam said...

The advertisers probably could not afford advertising their products in TV!