Sunday, June 29, 2008

Has Mrs Marie Chua a new suitor ?

I could not believe it. It could not be true? But we seemed to talk less and less. No more pillow talks, you know, the talks we had until the wee hours of morning when we had insomnia and retirees seem easily to suffer from it a lot. She did not discuss "Desperate Housewives" with yours sincerely anymore. (Her favourite character is the righteous Lynete and mine, well, I have to disclose....edie.. he ..he...he. ) One night I caught her red handed. She was with "him" until 2.30 am. With groggy eyes behind her reading glasses and pencil in her hand, she was having a fine time with "him." He is "Mr Soduku." I have myself to blame for introducing "him" to her on her 5x birthday ( the second figure cannot be disclosed or else you have no more Doubtom to read.) It was her birthday present. She took to Soduku like children take to computer games ! It can be addictive. Don't ever introduce it to your spouse, unless you have a good reason or want some time away from him or her.

The culprit :-


classyadele said...

oh kesian.....papa is not all alone...haha OK wat..! Nx time when u go play golf...then u'll wait and see who's going to complain about u not "being around".. :)

Thomas C B Chua said...

I will try not to make your mama a golf widow.
Tks 4 noticing the new entries.

senorita.. said...

hahhaa.. just hope the Mrs. finishes all the sudokus fast =)