Saturday, December 12, 2009

....of foot massaging in Beijing

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) promised to write on off beaten things in China. So, a particularly hilarious incident happened on the last day, just a few hours before we boarded the flight home. The China Tour Guide, typical of people in his trade, had to wring the last few Reminbis (Chinese currency) left from our pockets. " Ni men lei ma?" (Are you people tired ?) Of course, there was the resonance affirmation.

So, the group was taken to a centre for foot reflexologycum medical research centre, as it claimed to be . The visit started off with a long and dry lecture on Eastern Medicinal Practices. Illness and sicknesses seem to be visually identifiable by the look of one's palms and facial features. ( I wonder what are all those scanners and X-rays for in Western hospitals?) Of course, free diagnosis was readily available. There were teams of "doctors" on standby to diagnose any volunteers and if there were none, then the "doctors" would descend on the "patients" aggressively. And from a long array of sicknesses they muttered out at you
, there would sure be one or two that fitted yours snugly. LOL

This was the "doctor-lecturer" who claimed to have taken time off his busy schedule to lecture us and SAVE us . A lot of psychology was used and many from among our group were super gullible.

The strong sale tactic hit a high note when it was mentioned that his company donated millions to the construction of the Bird Nest Olympic Stadium of 2008. So, a substantial amount of any purchases made on that day would go to the stadium. As such, Chinese sentiment was forcibly aroused.

Before the sales were made, there was this free foot reflexology. We wasted no time to strip our feet naked. Warm water was poured into this plastic basin and herbs added. After 8 days of walking around the imperial gardens and climbing of the Great wall, the treatment was soothingly refreshing. The delicate fingers of the foot masseur was ecstatic.

As the masseur ran his fingers through your left foot, he would stop at certain strategic places to exert pressure with his knuckle. This was where you let out faint cries of delight, and this was also where he would pin point your trouble (s) - weak bladder; unbalanced kidneys, gastritis stomach, overburdened liver and other crabs. Then herbal medicines were recommended for you with the cost quotation. Each complete "dosage" would run into thousands of Reminbis. Health or wealth?

By this time, another personnel descended with all the medication prescribed. The foot massaging had gone into the first half hour!. Syiok! Pleasurable ! Sale talk started. Lots of pushing for Y S to buy. Psychology and philosophy were exhaustively exploited. Health or wealth? Wealth or health?

NOW the masseur shifted to the right foot. Wah! More pleasure to balance up with the already massaged left foot. Sale talk was then at the crescendo. The right foot had just gone through 5 minutes of massaging. Y S opened his big mouth and said, " I don't need any medicine. I'm a healthy man. I DON"T WANT TO BUY!" The massage on the right foot was instantly stopped like drivers stepping on the emergency brakes. " Hau liow" ( Your massage is over!!!) Imagine having only one foot massaged ? Y S had to hobble and limb on his left foot out of the place. LOL


classyadele said...

good one
U should have said "wait first, let me think about it" or "I'll think about it, ask me when this is finished" :)

Thomas C B Chua said...

Yap, I made a mistake. Should have refused only after both feet were done. Heh...heh...heh...

小笔大笔 said...

wa... it seemed that u 'enjoyed' ur vacation.. haha.. Sir, I found that u r very famous in China.. XD

Thomas C B Chua said...

Really....young lady live with ZEST!