With two major earthquakes, the one in N Zealand and recently in Japan, of such disastrous magnitudes happening within such short interval, images from the block buster movie "2012" kept flashing in Yours Sincerely 's ( Y S ) mind. Would Planet Earth end up in a series of catastrophes and cataclysms : earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, twisters, typhoons, landslides, floods, Tsunamis, drought, collisions of the planets etc etc coupled with political turmoils in the Arab countries and else where in the world ???
Y S tries to assure himself with self reasoning that "2012" is a block buster hoax and that natural disasters are always the order of the day. Ice bergs of all sizes , for example, collapse into the Tundra and Antarctic almost everyday and that glaciers turn into avalanches every now and them. Floods, twisters and volcanic eruptions have been happening since time immemorial. The only difference is that now we have efficient and effective mass communication. In the days of old, at the most one could only see a picture in black and white on the front page of the newspapers, and perhaps a few coloured pictures sometime later in "Time" or "Life" magazines NOW, you can see the HD images and video clippings of the natural disasters right in your living room on your LCDs. These images keep repeating themselves and with each passing days, CNN , BBC, CCTV or Al (Something?) serve you with better and more detailed images. How not to etch in us lasting impressions of the events ?
The theory that flashes of images on the LCD screen can leave a lasting impression on our mind holds water. This has been capitalized by advertisers to ingrain their brands on our mind by regularly flashing all the silly advertisements on our TV screen. The images of the catastrophes and cataclysms do leave an impression on us subconsciously in the same way.
Are we moving towards "2012"? As much as Y S does not want believe it, things are unfolding almost everyday. Yet, Jesus Christ says that He will come again "like a thief in the night." So, would "rapture" (Where believers would be assumed into heaven before the world suffers in turmoil. ) followed by "Tribulation" ( Where the world would be in turmoil before the assumption.) or vice versa? It is confusing.
What do you think?
I think 'Que Sera Sera'.
footiam, true, let's live and live.
Hi Thomas,
The world is seeing the worst times now. Wars,earth quakes, psunamis etc. killing thousands of people and causing wide spread destruction of property. People are talking of global warming and climate change. I really don't know what will happen in the next ten or twenty years.So much technological innovations are taking place all over the world that I am flabbergasted. Are we slowly and steadily reaching the end of the world? Time will tell.
Best wishes,
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