Monday, April 11, 2011

... of blood pressure

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) has been very busy this week ferrying himself between the General Hospital n( G H ) and home. The good doctor, Radha , of the GH has put Y S on the monitor for hypertension. Y S used to think that hypertension , Diabetes etc etc are for others, not him.

However, of late Y S' b/p has shot up to as high as 200 / 90, in spite of all the golfing, squash and gymn, and that alarmed the second half more than Y S. She bundled Y S off to the G H one fine morning and threatened to abandon Y S ( poor me ! ) if Y S did not seek treatment. Scary, eh ?

Another catalyst that rushed Y S to the G H was the condition of Y S' childhood body builder idol - Malek Noor. He was carried off the football field to the hospital hardly five minutes into a friendly showcase match ! Frightening, eh ? A body builder ! (Sorry, picture is blurr)

During his hey days ............................ Mr Asia.

On the day he was heart attacked .......
So, there goes Y S to the G H for five mornings already and the final verdict will be passed this Wednesday, the 13th of April. If "guilty" then it is medication for the rest of my life.

There is a certain deterioration of the body's parts and functions as one ages. ( sigh !!!) There is no panacea to heal them. Healthy diet and exercise can only help to maintain them a bit. If you are young and you read this posting, VALUE your youth and health . It comes only but once. So, take good care !!!


AJ7 said...

Most of us are like you... we think those health problems are others'. Take care!

Thomas C B Chua said...

AJ7, tks for your concern. I will. Still have lots of living to do. Well, not yet get my "Datokship." LOL

footiam said...

Take it easy. Live and let live!