Sunday, May 8, 2011

.... of Mothers' Day

Today, 8th of May, is Mothers' Day and Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) wishes to salute all mothers.

"A glorious Mothers' Day "
. In fact, judging from what mothers do and have to do and are doing, every day has to be Mother's Day. They say that a thousand men may build a city but it takes a mother to make a home. They are like fine collectibles - as the years go by they increase in value. And it is because God could not be everywhere, so He made mothers.

Y S lost his mother to old age a few years ago. She suffered no sickness at all until her last breath, and she just expired and went over. She held on to Around her was Y S' siblings, and her grand children and great grand children. She was given a warm and tearful send off. With the demise of the great matriarch, things are never the same anymore. You sort of lose an important piece in the mosaic of a family. Mothers hold up that mosaic, not so much the fathers. Y S' mother had had lived a great life, caring for all of us and making others happy.

Abraham Lincoln once said : " All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother." Y S read somewhere that " One mother can take care of ten children, but ten children can't take care of one mother" ! May those of you who still have your mothers with you, love them, and never, never be one of these ten children!!!


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Thomas,

Fabulous post.

Mothers are guardian angels appointed by God to take care of children and no one can replace them. They make so many sacrifices for their children.

It is only befitting that we celebrate Mothers Day.

footiam said...

Mothers are forever! Or is it diamonds?

Thomas C B Chua said...

Joseph, you 're right again. That's why "FAMILY" is "Father And Mother I Love You." F A M I l Y. Tks for dropping by.

footiam, mothers are irreplaceable but not diamonds.

Rhapsody Phoenix said...

Blessings and amen, it is an eternal job.

Indrani said...

Great post!
Thanks. :)