Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birthday's effects

Look at my Callaway!!!

The harsh reality has set in, yours sincerely ( y s) is now 57 only. I like to add "only" for it somehow makes you feel that you still have not fallen into the rut of the aged, the "warga emas" or those in the sunset years, rainbow years, golden years ; and a horde of other terms coined to make you feel nicer. Don't fall into the trap. Look hard into a good mirror. You are what you are.

Guess what I got from the better half for my 57th? A pair of Callaway golf shoes! O la la !!! Better half has gone to the extent of getting my measurement secretly and driving to Darul Aman Golf Club to purchase them. I love the straps which are meant for lazy people. When I first wore them to the club yesterday, my new found golfer friends eyed them enviously. Know what ? "Gaya mau, tak tau main lain kira."

To top off everything, she signed up a golf pro to coach me. ( I had been talking about getting a golf pro to coach for a year but never got close to one so she had to initiate it.) Sometimes when the better half is so nice to me, I start to wonder what is on her mind. I got the feeling it is an Alaskan Cruise which she has been talking about for a long time. This will be her birthday present. What birthday? She will kill me if I blog her age, as you know.

This is a card from the second daughter who is still studying. Wonder whether she really meant all the adjectives on the card. It warms the heart. Thank you Esther.

This is a card sent by the elder daughter last year, also full of well meaning adjectives which are enough to make an ordinary father feels like a superman........"up...up.... and away....." The card she sent this year is still in the post. I hope it is not lost in the post like many of our overseas mails. Something is wrong with our postal system! Thank you Adeline and Bert.

So, this is y s all dressed up and ready for his golf lessons, very excited about it. Even dreamt of driving the golf balls the night before. Felt like when my father first bought me a Dunlop badminton racquet when I was in Standard 3. I slept with it. Do not think that we played in the hall! Forget it! We played in the open with the wind and the breeze. The net was only a gunny string tied between two coconut trees, but we had a whale of time hitting the plastic shuttercock with red rubber base. When we were chosen to play for the school and progressed into the hall, the plastic rubber head shuttercock, really did give us good training in powerful, thunderous smashing.

Today, instead of feeling 57, I feel 45, going for golf. One of the ways to keep young is to learn a new skill. Don't you think that retirement is spending time on the rocking chairs. Y s is busy living !!!

So, one more out of my "Bucket List."


AJ7 said...

Yup.... stay young by learning something new all the time. Then you'll be young all the time. Happy golfing...

Thomas C B Chua said...

Tks for visiting, AJ7. Muscles ache here and there. Guess these are the unused muscles all these years. Best shot fell short of 100 yards. No bad for beginners.

peter said...

Glad tht at 57 you are still a teenager. Diff between a teenager & pensioner is lack of wisdom in former n lack of foolhardiness in latter. Hv fun with yr new-found hobby but try to avoid the kiasu of clubbers esp Royal Kedah Clubbers.

Mr X said...

Greetings, Mr Thomas.
Could you remember what was the year when Mr Chong Kam Poh retired?
Sorry, I have no choice but to leave comment as you have no ChatBox.
Looking forward to your replies! :)

classyadele said...

Good to know you're enjoying urself, dad. Life's short ay? Live it.

Thomas C B Chua said...

Tks 4 dropping by n noticing my new entries. Well, Girl, life is 3 scores n 10. The rest is bonus. Many have been called without the bonus. So, let's get busy, living.

God bless
