Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Small balls

Yours sincerely ( Y s) latest craze is with small balls - squash and golf. The former has nothing to do with Nicole David. I have never watched this young lady squashing away in real life or on tv, short of only seeing her on some gigantic bill boards. She looks .... eer... fierce and mean, and very energetic. She has made the nation proud. The latter has always mysterified y s on seeing well-dressed grown-ups with irons walking around the golf course, hitting a small ball into small holes. And each time one them does it right there is applause and cheers. Living near a golf course, this scenario is also happening under the glaring, burning sun. Y s thinks he has to check them out before life expires on him.

The attraction for SQUASH is the brand new squash complex at Royal Kedah Club. It is very inviting. The morning session is practically empty and y s has the whole complex to himself, even the car park. See the picture !

This is yet another blessing of your retirement - the freedom to do what you what, when you want and how you want. No bells to beat. No bosses to please. No colleagues to tolerate. And no pupils to bear. Who says that retirement is simply rocking on your armchair? There is a whole new world out there waiting for you!

Squash is a very strenuous game and half an hour of it is enough to wet your t-shirt. The sauna-like environment in the complex also adds to your sweat. But it is very rewarding, especially when you have to change into a dry shirt before going home and show the wet t-shirt to the better half. It also helps in your co-ordination and foot work. If you can manage a long volley, you can practically feel the heat on the ball. ..opps....I mean the squash ball. The "piick...poop...plop....piiiicck..." sound of the ball volleying against the walls is sweet music. It turns into a dance if you synchronise your volley.

Y s managed to have this shot taken this shot when a good friend joined him one morning, just one morning only and then he dropped out, as expected. Young people have no consistency. They falsely think that they own health forever without giving health its due interest and dividens. One has to find time to exercise or has to find time later to fall sick.

This is y s latest investment. The same brand used by Nocole David, it seems. If only the same brand of racquet makes the same player, then the world is made of fools.

Btw, y s has contacted the golf pro coach, starting lessons soon.

ViVa Life. One more off the Bucket's List.


AJ7 said...

Ah! I see you have been bitten by the squash bug... maybe we can have a game or two one of these days... 8)

Unknown said...

do u need a coach for a fun game ?

Thomas C B Chua said...

You have to take out a P.A playing with me, and have the paramedic waiting for first-aid. As a beginner, I am a self-confessed dangerous player. Sometimes, to keen to cross the line and kill the ball.
Btw about 10 out of 10 people who know that I am in squash very caringly advised me: " You have to be careful. It can kill you." I simply like the volley and would never overstress to take a hit. So, don't worry still have years to live. God willing.

Thomas C B Chua said...

Kbeeguy, oops..soli..Kbguy, thanks. Have been watching some video clip on squash coaching. How r u? And your family?

Unknown said...

Everything is fine. Bz with Qing Ming week. Everyone is back from near and far. You supposed to be in Kelantan as well, right ?