Monday, June 1, 2009

Pictures to share with you

Images speak volumes. At the edge of giving up while doing anything physical ; like yours sincerely's ( y s ) golf fling, y s always think of this image. Determination, persistence and diligence reign supreme. " Never, never, never, never give up." Wiston Churchill.

Some claim that life is confusing. Can it be so confusing as this?

This is a toilet with a view. Excellent for those who constipate. Take your time and enjoy the view. It certainly helps.

Y s saw this salon opposite the demolished Cathay Cinema Hall at Jalan Limbong Kapal. So, ladies, the message is clear. It isn't meant for you!
This was sent by a friend. Why divorce? What is needed is not a change of partners but a change in partners. They say that marriages are made in heaven, but remember, so are thunders and lightnings. And if you still insist that marriages are made in heaven, remember, the maintenance works has still to be done on earth. Btw, y s likes what Agatha Christie says about who makes the best husband. "An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have. The older she gets, the more he is interested in her ! LOL

Not only cats are curious and curiosity does not only kill cats, baby elephants, too!!!

" No labourer in the world is expected to work for room, board, and love - except the housewife." Letty Cottin Pogrebin.

Have a GREAT day, or rather MAKE it GREAT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hv post the question earlier but I guess you would hv missed it.. where did u buy the LCD TV.. i think it's a good deal.