Sunday, June 14, 2009

When hobby is work, hard work!!!

They say that golf is for people young and old, and that one can continue to enjoy golf in old age when the tennis players have developed tennis elbows, the badminton and squash players have lost their stamina, the elderly swimmers have developed ear imbalance and find the water too cold on all days ending with "y" and the elderly "Mahjong" players have run short of "Kakis" to play with. However, they miss the main point and that is one has to start young.

In golf the ball sits in front of you motionless, waiting for you to get the ball rolling, so to speak. You look down at that little ball and think, "I have to swing this club, strike that tiny ball perfectly and send it away out there to a specific target." With beginners, far too much thought and concern are thrown into the equation, often resulting in a badly hit shot. It can be quite unnerving, especially with others watching!

Y S was at the driving range for several weeks and this is where he thinks where the real work is done. But he is wrong, putting where the small ball is guided into the small hole, is even a more daunting task. After your fourth trial, you just feel like lifting it off the ground, walk straight to the hole and dump it there!!!

Perhaps, they should design bigger putting holes for aged beginners like y s. See picture above. LOL

Golfers are gentlemanly and they enjoy a strong fraternity. Too often coaching tips are freely given unsolicited. They also comfort frustrated beginners like y s with sweet words. "You have to be patient. I have taken half a year to master my swing."

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though chekered by failures, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt.


AJ7 said...

but this hard work is still hobby nevertheless.. and because of that, it's still fun! LOL!

Thomas C B Chua said...

AJ7, tks 4 the encouragement.In working out your swing, u hate every part of your body until you have no time to think of yours enemies.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. You seems to be very busy after retirement. Lots of programes and activity. I like the way you keep yourself busy. looks like pleasure most of time. Keep it up sir ! Have fun..!

Thomas C B Chua said...

KBguy, thanks 4 taking an interest in my blog. I was green with envy seeing u enjoying your Beijing trip. How I wish u could bring me along to REALLY c China.

More photos please, especially of people and faces. I love them