Wednesday, September 22, 2010

... fighting the last health battle

Ray Strand is a new kind of doctor. His books contains empowerment and health-enhancing information. He offers a priceless gift to improve the quality and quantity of life with laser accuracy and scientific documents. His recommendation helps win the war against degenerative diseases and premature aging. Dr Strand illuminates the critical role that nutritional medicine plays in slowing the aging process and reclaiming health, even after the devastation of illnesses such as diabetes, chronic fatigue, cancer,multiple sclerosis, heart diseases, just to list but a few.

Being a ardent reader of health publications, Y S' better half is going into supplement religiously. Needless to say, Y s is also dragged along. Y S who believes in nutrition from natural sources sometimes wonders whether the better half is on the right track. However, witnessing how her eczema that made her hands look and feel like crocodile skin has been healed after months of taking "Evening Primrose Oil," it is hard not to invest in supplements.

Well, the battle of Armageddon against degenerative diseases is on for both of us. May the Good Lord bless the effort.

Life is short. Let's make it SWEET.


footiam said...

Shih Huang Ti would be interested in this book.

Thomas C B Chua said...

footiam, ha ! ha! ha! It is not to live eternally but to age gracefully.