Tuesday, August 24, 2010

... ... of discarding babies

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) stumbled upon a blog ( " Outsyed the box " ) which questioned why the Chinese and Indians do no discard that many babies as the Muslim Malays do in our beloved country. Good gracious ! Big joke ! Do we also need a quota or "affirmative action" on this matter ?

Foetus and baby dumping dominated the newspapers these few weeks and this had led the brain dead PAS Youth Leader ( Y S does not bother to remember his name) to "moronly'' commented that this is due to the permissive western decadent New Year celebration and also Valentine's Day that had led to "free love making" and hence the babies followed 8 or 9 months later. This is how one with limited grey matters put 2 and 2 to make 4.

A very funny observance is that many of the dumping cases happened not in the bigger towns and cities but in the more rural smaller towns and villages. There were cases of village school girls who were sorrily left behind to carry the burden under their school uniform after a rendezvous. Were these the celebrants of New Years and Valentine's Day ??? Certainly not, they were victims of innocence , puppy love , unsafe sex, jilted love, broken thrust, love exploited, and most of all unsupported by the " dis-compassionate" religion and society.

Of course, Y S does not condone the permissive morality of the urbanites. The urban waywards do dump their foetuses but not so crudely as at people's doorsteps, school toilets or rubbish bins. They, however, have resources to recourse to and are thus more discreet, like dumping it into the surgeon's kidney dish in the shabby clinics at the back alleys, or for the more affluent ones, they could do it in the name of " D & C" by reputable gynecologists. Many more would have passed with merit and distinction their " Bees, Butterflies and Beetles " courses so as to arm themselves with an array of anti-pregnancy arsenal which are as easily available as the 7 11 chain of outlets.

As such, there is no necessity to compare racial statistics but to search for ways and means to educate the society and to reach out compassionately to help the hapless victims.

One very vivid cause of baby/foetus dumping in a certain society is very much due to how that society views unwed mothers, and their view is, of course, related to their religious belief and value system.

In a society that condemns outright the sin together with the sinners, the latter has no refuge to seek besides being heaped with condemnation which under certain laws could even be stonning to death !!!. Gruesome !!!

A parliamentarian proposed and also immediately disposed an idiotic plan to set up a " School for unwed pregnant mothers. " You can imagine the publicity and stigma the students would get. "Oh, I graduated from the School for unwed mothers." LOL

The solution lies very close to our heart - compassion for the victims. Whatever help given without compassion is brutality. A change of mind set and , perhaps, a reinterpretation from the Holy Book. For God is not against us because of our sin. He is with us; against our sin.


AJ7 said...

LOL! School of Unwed Moms!!!! Now that you have given it a name, it sure makes the politician sound even dumber.

classyadele said...

'broken thrust'? Sorry, couldn't help chuckling when I read that sentence.

A school for unwed mothers is not such a bad idea, although I would think that a better name could be given to these educational institutions. In some (supposedly) developed countries, they even provide free or subsidised housing zones to accommodate these single mothers, hence providing security, accessibility and a community of support for them. It's not really such a bad idea when you think about it, as compared to being forced to return to school and be stigmatised for the rest of your schooling years as the 'single mother'.

There's no need to force them to face public humiliation when they've already got more than enough things to handle on their plate. Furthermore, as you said, some of these single mothers may not have gotten pregnant due to consensual sex, some may have been victims of rape and incest. So they are even more undeserving of being singled out as outcasts.

footiam said...

It never crosses my mind that there is a quota for baby dumping and I just realise that I have not read about babies being dumped in Western countries. Now, I doubt if we learn that from the West, baby dumping or even quotas for anything.

Unknown said...

I don't know about Indian, but I think the Chinese sell away their unwanted babies for money ! I don't know whether it's sinful or not to adopt babies, but they do encourage agents to make money, and doctors to earn from illegal reports and papers.

Thomas C B Chua said...

AJ7, tks 4 visiting. It is SMK Ibu Tunggal. LOL

Adel, the West are more compassionate.

footiam, everything is "statisticised" in beloved country, even the number of kids who got their fingers blown away and eyes blinded through their moronic misadventure of playing with firecrakers. Let's wait and see, the season is here now. Kedah , Kelantan or Trengganu normally leads !

KB Guy, adoption is honourable but when cash is involved and transactions with the despicable doctor, commission and service changes and what-nots, the whole issue takes a turn and could be immoral. Y S gave up a pedigree Golden Retriever for adoption f.o.c. for the simple reason that Y S does not it to be a "sale" but an adoption in the strictest sense of the word.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Thomas:)

This is a very relevant post for the modern days especially where youngsters are concerned.

Mother Teresa when she was alive she used to say- BRING ALL YOUR BABIES TO ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM.

Best wishes:)

Thomas C B Chua said...

Joe, thanks for visiting. Yes, it is rampant these days in this part of our world.

yee ping said...

a geat idea huh...School of Unwed Moms. however, willthis encourage more ppl to have sex and pregnant before married? cause there is another road for them after they did wrongly.

Thomas C B Chua said...

yee ping, "macam macam" these days.