Thursday, August 19, 2010

..... of the racist school principal in Johore

Yours Sincerely ( Y S ) read about the female racist school principal in Johore who landed herself in hot soup and ate humble pies with her apology to the students at the school assembly attended by some parents and Education Officers. She, however, was booed down by the students.! " Padan muka !!!" / ( She deserves it !!!) This is a shame and a spit on the honorable profession.

Y S read that a transfer has been recommended for her as if it could solve everything and "Let's say sorry, sorry and forget, forget...... ." and sweep everything under the carpet. "Oh, she was under pressure" " Oh, she erred. We all err." "Oh, she was misunderstood. Oh, misquoted." Oh this and oh that will be offered to save her shameless skin. For the students to brave themselves and report on her, Y S believes she must have been parading her racist misdeeds far too long and on too many occasions.

Imagine the damage she has done to the young innocent minds and how many more minds had she poisoned before this case was bravely reported and revealed by the brave and selfless students. AND HOW MANY MORE SUCH PRINCIPALS ( and teachers) ARE LOOMING IN THE HONORABLE PROFESSION, getting away with their racist attitudes, remarks and actions just because the students are too coward to report ??? ONLY GOD KNOWS!!!

Y S taught in a Chinese majority national school with hardly 3% Indians and 7 % Malays, and yet at every available opportunity these students were made to feel very much a part of the class and school.At every questioning session in class , their names were called. At every group work session, they were made to lead. School programmes never failed to include them. Presentations on Speech Day. Items on Teachers' Day. Etc etc If we do not start integration in school, then where else ?

A transfer for the errant principal is an easy way out. She deserves the sack if we are really serious about 1Malaysia and all the crabs.

YS is always 1Malaysia.


AJ7 said...

Yup... she deserves the sack. But it's unlikely she'll get one.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Thomas:)

Yes, I fully agree with you.The school principal deserves a sack. If Americans can elect Barrack Obama as their President forgetting the age old prejudice against the blacks, I don't understand why a school principal is trying to practice racism in a school and thus poisoning the minds of youngsters who are the future rulers of the nation.

In India whenever such incidents are reported a police case is registered against the teacher or principal concerned and they are really taken to task.Here the racism is in the form of either religion or caste.

Indian constitution grants equality to all casters and religion. You must be aware that Sonia Gandhi who is playing a major role in Indian politics is an Italian.But she is loved by the vast majority of the people although several political leaders are dead against her because she is an Italian.

What is needed is to educate people at all levels whether they are teachers,policemen,government servants instead of taking isolated action against erring individuals.

Best wishes Thomas:)

Thomas C B Chua said...

AJ 7 & Joe, beneath the skin we are all one. Racism is not only a shadow over the coloured - it is a shadow over all of us, and the shadow is darkest over those who feel it least and allow its evil effects to go on.

Tks for dropping by.

classyadele said...

Did you read? This has spread to our own backyard...

footiam said...

The principal must have been taught that somewhere. Just that she's foolish not to be able to diffrentiate the good and the bad, the right and the wrong but then, what do you expect. Some people just don't deserve to be where they are.

Thomas C B Chua said...

footiam, you are right. During Y S' service days, Y S happened to stumble across some materials from a certain course conducted for only a certain race, the notes were atrocious !

Unk Dicko said...

If this incident had taken place in S'pore..the Principal will be hauled to court to face serious CRIMINAL charges, with a possible jail sentence the outcome!
Even our politicians steer way clear of such nonsense.
But sadly, it is still the fashion among even high-level leaders of the ruling party across the causeway, to spew forth similar bigotry, from time to time.
Top politicians do it without getting into any trouble( no idea WHY?) so a lowly principal wrongly assumed she too can follow likewise...but got into trouble ( no idea WHY this Double Standard in Place?).

Thomas C B Chua said...

Tks 4 visiting. Things r different from this side of the cause way. Very sad. Some people benefit from racism.