Friday, May 8, 2009


"Let's forgive and forget....."

They say that if God were not willing to forgive sin, heaven would be pretty empty. But, many would say "I can forgive, but I cannot forget." This is another way of saying, "I will not forgive." Henry Ward Beecher once said that, "Forgiveness ought be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one." Ah..., but then, memories are not papers, easily torn, burnt and tossed away. Some wicked ones remained etched in your subconscious and just when you think you have forgotten them, they surface like feasting maggots on some rotten flesh. Yours sincerely ( y s) finds that to really forgive and forget, one needs to contract chronic Amnesia.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that " The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Our strength is shown in the things we stand for and our weaknesses are shown in the things we fall for. In the face of a situation that begs forgiveness, the human ego surfaces instinctively and snatches away the humility in us. The egotists, as we all know, is an I specialist. He is also one who thinks that if he hadn't been born, people would wonder why. As long as the ego, especially the super-ego, is alive, we cannot forgive well, and continue to live on miserably on the pain and hurt of unforgiveness that could eat out our souls, rob us of our joyfulness and impoverise our life.

And for all we don't know, the people we are begrudging do not even have a minute gram of memory about us, or worse still, have deleted us completely from the hard disk of their brain. LOL

It is said that he who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass. If you are the husband, sometimes be blind, if you are a wife, sometimes be deaf. We forgive to the extent we love. Forgiveness is man's deepest need and highest achievement.It is like the fragrance a flower gives AFTER

Still we say that we CANNOT forget. If we want to test our memory, try to recall what we were thinking about one year ago today. Chances are that we cannot remember, but how come we cannot forget those whom we claim to have been forgiven by us. Y s concurs that we really cannot forget BUT WE CAN REMEMBER them WITH A DIFFERENT EMOTION, FEELING, REACTION AND STATE OF MIND.


" Do come in - tresspassers will be forgiven."

My constant prayer :

"Oh, Lord, grant me the senility to forget those who have wronged me........."


小笔大笔 said...

Sir, i think we should just contract chronic Amnesia like you said. But if everyone can forgive and forget easily.. then nothing is interesting in life already.. ^^ -- your student

Thomas C B Chua said...

Nexus, tks 4 visiting. Students normally shy away from ex-teacher but u r not. Good. Don't u worry, you would contract senility as you get older and that's the time you forget everything. You even have to wear pampers again LOL.

~Yana~ said...

nice one sir,really deep ;)
yes,it is easy to forgive,but harder to forget,but if we really do forget, we tend to go through all of it again...sometimes,not forgetting that certain memory might be a blessing in disguise,who knows ey,hohoo!

Thomas C B Chua said...

Young Missy Zetty, u have a lot more to live for, don't overload your life baggage. Learn 2 live on a light baggage. Enjoy the sunshine. If it rains, look forward to the rainbow that follows. I can only "doa" for a fine gentleman, worthy of your honourable self, to sweep u off your feet one fine day in future after all your studies and career building.

Zest up, life is for the living.

Unknown said...

Certain things have to let it be the way it should be.. example forgive but not forget. Because the loosing part is always the forget one. And it can always be a painful one when you tend to forget and let it happen again and again..

Thomas C B Chua said...

KBguy, u have 2 love the person but no necessary like him / her.