Saturday, May 9, 2009

Keep within the flight of your Guardian Angel !!!

The aftermath of my stupidity. Y s' vehicle was hooked to the coach's fender and dragged.

Life is full of the unexpected, either favourable or unfavourable. Yours sincerely ( y s ) met with an accident a fortnight ago. Few people would agree that accidents, are not actually accidents, they are caused by our carelessness, recklessness, and in y s ' case, sheer stupidity on his part !

We have read enough of reckless bus drivers causing injuries and even deaths to bus load of sleeping passengers in the wee hours of morning, denying their responsibilities for the accidents but blaming them on the vehicles. Brake failure is the most common accusation when plain, pure logic points to carelessness, recklessness, lethargy and the most scary one - "Tidak apa" attitude of the driver. If only vehicles could talk back and defend themselves !

Y s learnt an expensive and risky lesson - don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly. Don't squeeze into a narrow space, especially beside a gigantic vehicle. And, to give way to bigger vehicle. If you have to bully, may be pick on a "Kancil." LOL , just joking.

Y s let the models do the talking and you can guess how stupid I was !!! In "Phua Chu Kang's English " don't play-play with the 'DURIAN BURUNG' DOUBLE DECKER. Its wheels are bigger then my car door. Scarry !

This is a split second before my stupidity took effect.

This is the commence of my stupidity.

This is the result of the "play-play" with bigger vehicle.

This is the part that was hooked on to the fender of the bus.

This is the damaged hind left fender of y s' vehicle.

The damage to the wallet = RM 600.00.
The scolding by the better half = "I told you oleli to be careful...``++&//??!!@#$$%&^8*...."
The physical damage = NIL
The spiritual damage = NIL
The lesson learnt = PRICELESS
The most important thing = I AM STILL ALIVE n STILL BLOGGING
Total damage = ZELO (ZERO)

Life goes on.

"Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly."

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